Erwin TN - Damascus VA (344.2-470.9)

A night of rest in Erwin turned into a surprise zero day. Feeling somewhat rested Hiker 109 and I set out across the bridge to the train tracks at the edge of town. Rainy and cold, but ready to hike. The climb up Curley Maple Gap Shelter was a long and steady climb. We arrived at the shelter and met DoubleTime and Mike with the dog (Piper) who had stayed there the previous night and Dozer who hiked up shortly after us. A short conversation and snack break we set off again. Each at our own pace we quickly got separated. Arriving at Indian Grave Gap we I was met by a lady in a car who jumped out in a hurry to stop me. Emoji was her name, providing trail magic on a cold and rainy day. She handed me a poem about beauty spot that she had wrote herself. I thanked her and continued up to beauty spot and soon after, Unaka mountain. Unaka was an incredible dense spruce forest that felt otherworldly. I was certain there would be a witch handing out apples somewhere in the forest. The day ended just before Little Rock Knob where I had HOPED to see 109 and Dozer, unfortunately they never arrived.

The next morning I woke up to a small amount of snow and temperatures that had fallen into the low 20’s. I quickly packed up my bag and set off to climb Roan mountain. Everything frozen, including my beard. But man, Roan mountain was awesome.

The next few days were much the same, hostel hopping to stay out of the single digit temperatures and snow. Some short days, some longer weather permitting of course. Then I hit Hampton. I woke up shortly after 5am at the boots off hostel, ate breakfast in the common area and set out at 7:30am. I didn’t expect much this day, and still hadn’t settled on where I was staying l, the only thing I knew was that the terrain was very forgiving between Hampton and Damascus. The day continued on and I met “the last SOBO hiker” No Rush. He shared some wisdom and his idea of hiking the trail slowly to make the most of it. For some reason this idea didn’t stick. Mid afternoon I realized I had been pressing a pretty steady pace and it was quite possible for me to hit the Virginia state line by sunset. Excited about that idea I decided to go for it. Pace increasing by a little, I snacked while I ate, hydrating often, checking my watch what felt like every 15 minutes… The sun had started to set and I knew I was so close… searching, looking for the state sign… I found it. I ran to the state sign and let out victory yell. Snapping a photo before the night fell. Celebrating with a McDonald’s cheeseburger that I had packed out and a warm Dunkle from YeeHaw brewing. I continued on into Damascus. Arriving at 8:15pm I called the only hostel I thought would be open. The gentleman at the other end of the phone (treehouse) advised that they shut their doors at 9. “Bet” I said, and walked across town arriving around 8:30… the caretakers in disbelief that I had walked aber 42 miles in 13 hours. I hit the showers and went straight to bed…


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