Day 18-20 (274.9-344.2)

A day of rest… well almost 24 hours of straight sleep if we’re being completely honest. I head out the door of laughing heart hostel and make my way across town to wander back off into the wilderness. My stomach still a little upset from whatever it was that hit me, which I suspect to be food poisoning. I had zero appetite for anything, drinking water even felt unsettling. The climb up lovers leap was a bit of a struggle, slower pace but managing the hike none the less. The views at the summit, looking back to hot springs were astounding. Looking over the town that I had just spent nearly 3 days in felt awesome. 

The day, much like every other, pointless ups and downs and the trail that skirts around the tops of most mountains. I left before the sun had peaked over the horizon and planned to stop by night, the only real way that I’d get some miles in feeling the way I did. The hike was spent mostly alone, though I can’t complain, visiting Whiterock and Fire Scald Knob had definitely made up for that. To this point one of my favorite views on the Appalachian Trail. 

I ended my day at 26.9 miles and right over the 300 mile mark with two gentlemen, Blink and Boston. Bostons has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail 4 times already and was working on his fifth time through. Astounding to me that someone can spend that much time hiking the same trail over and over, also it was extremely motivating.

The following morning turned out to be a brisk one, the cloudless full moon definitely made for a cold start. I packed my things and headed towards Sams Gap, a 17.9 mile stretch from Jerry Cabin Shelter where I started. Still no real appetite I choked down some pop tarts along the way. As the day progressed and my appetite grew I figured I would see where hiker 109 was as he left while I was recovering. I was told that he had JUST arrived at Sams Gap and there was trail magic and the person was waiting for me to arrive. I booked it, mountain over mountain pushing to reach the gap in a timely manner. I reached the gap and it was none other than Freshground. He sat me down (not before washing my hands of course) and fed me a giant plate of fried rice with salmon and shrimp. So much food that I had to bag half of it for dinner. 

I finished my meal and called for a ride to the nearest hostel as the next campsite was way too far out of reach at this point in time. Supramom from Natures Inn took hiker 109 and I in for the night and what a treat that was, we had the entire hostel to ourselves and what an awesome hostel it was. 

The following morning we were dropped off back at the gap to meet Freshground again serving up his delicious blueberry pancakes, bacon and eggs. I scarfed down my plate and set off to climb some mountains. I hadn’t planned to stop this day until I reached Erwin. I was told the last half of the hike was nice and flat. A good bit of advice, when someone says something is flat on the AT, don’t believe them…

I arrived into Erwin at roughly 6:30 and waited for hiker 109 to come down from the mountain so that we could discuss dinner plans. An hour and a half passed by and he stumbled in with his headlamp on, completely exhausted from the day on trail. As we discussed dinner options a man named “Holler” strolled by and offered to give us a ride into town for a resupply and dinner as Uncle Johnnys storefront was closed for the evening and food around the area was scarce. We obliged, drove in and stuffed our faces at Clarence’s drive in. Fantastic burgers! That and everything tastes great after a long day of hiking.  

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